What is a jackpot?

Different types of jackpots

Every game of chance today involves a large jackpot, and in the gaming industry we are talking about jackpots. They can vary in type and amount, and different venues offer different terms and conditions.  For example, winamsaters.cm is one of the institutions where you can really hit the big prize.  And you can get it not only from an experienced player, but also from a beginner.

In general, the gaming industry on the Internet is actively growing and there are more and more institutions with their own terms for the game. But it is the types of jackpots deserve special attention, it is worth to understand, what they can be, how you can get and what is needed for this?

What is a jackpot?

It is worth noting right away that the jackpot is formed in several stages. A certain part stays in the gambling establishment, then the prize fund is created, and then the payment to the player himself for forming a winning sequence.

In other words, the jackpot is the main prize, the jackpot that can be won in some games or lotteries. It is created by adding the amount that was not played in the last draw. The jackpot is created by adding a percentage of all your losses within a certain period of time.

Varieties of slot jackpots

Of course, any player wants to be the owner of the top prize. This applies to both the professional and the beginner. Currently, the maximum winnings amount was 1,586,000,000 in 2016 in America. Of course, it is not often that such sums can be won, but history knows examples.

So, what jackpots can be:

  1. Fixed.
  2. Secret.
  3. Progressive.
  4. Entry.
Jackpot classification

As for the fixed one, it is created before the game starts, and immediately the gambler knows all the details. It does not play any role in the number of players played, the amount, and so on. Often this prize has the main goal, to collect the maximum combination and get a payout.

Progressive may vary during the gameplay. It is accrued during the game when the players bet. This is a certain percentage of the amount, which goes into a special reserve account, from which the prize fund is created. The peculiarity is that the amount can grow, based on the deposited funds.

The Mystery Jackpot is mysterious and brings interest to the player. The point is that the user does not know what amount is waiting for him. But in most cases, the winnings are formed randomly.

Some casinos also offer an entry jackpot as a variation, where the user knows the amount of the prize immediately.

  1. It is important to note that the progressive jackpot also has some variation:
  2. Home Jackpot.  Here, the amount can increase within the casino. In this case, the prize fund is created by the work of several machines, or the only one.
  3. standalone.  It grows extremely fast, but the payout of the combination will be an order of magnitude smaller. You have to pay less to get the winnings, in order to get more.
  4. Global. This is the biggest piece of prize money, which can be obtained by almost everyone at random. To create it, the prize pool is determined by several gambling establishments at once.